An Education For An Invasion Dream Part 2

I am now at a big school, it is truly massive. It looks like an American high school. There is a team of us. Around us there are children aged between 5 years and 17 years old.

I now see students in locker rooms being encouraged by teachers to hurry up and get ready because of the time table change for the next class. The teachers were saying, "Come on boys, we got another class coming in!" as they clapped their hands.

I am now in a very wide hallway with a steep slope going towards a set of burgundy double doors that were made of wood and had 4 window panels on each side of the doors. The flooring was like sports hall (gym hall) flooring and looked like it had been polished.

I then look up to the left of the hallway at the wall on that side and see aliens (from the movie aliens) come flying out of the wall and hover high over the hallway, then reach the right side wall. As this happens, I look down at my hands and see a weapon in them. I look to my sides and see the students and teachers I was with, have the same weapon in their hands. They were very chunky looking assault rifles.

Then jumping over us from behind and landing in front of us was a very large incredible hulk. He looked extremely angry at the aliens. He lets out a massive roar and then shouts, "HALK MAD!" and proceeds to turn and move his back towards the left wall. He walked back until his back was touching the wall but as he was walking back, he had his arms stretched out straight either side of him. As he continues to roar, the aliens are trying to come through the wall but they all keep hitting the Hulks back then go back into the wall. They were causing heated white bubbles in the wall.

The teachers, students and myself start running up the slope and barge through the double doors and are now outside. It is absolutely full of the aliens and there is utter chaos. Buildings are burning, emergency sirens are going off everywhere and people can be heard screaming. I see helicopters flying over head. 

As this is all taking place, there is confidence in me. I then see a man with well kept, short parted blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He was wearing blue jeans and a red polo shirt. The way he was holding his weapon, I knew he was in charge or our leader. He was leading from the front and we were going to fight and kill as many as these aliens as possible.


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