The Bride Playing The Harlot Dream 07.01.2024

The Bride Playing The Harlot Dream 07.01.2024

I am looking at a phone screen. On the screen is a thin, vertical screen.

I try to widen the view with my index finger and thumb but can't.

I can see a woman with her back towards me, fully naked. Her blonde hair runs all the way down her back to her bottom and appears to have shadow highlight between her hair and back. Her back is very sculptured.

She is sat on top of a man.

The man is sat on a black couch and sat next to him on the right, is another man with a pregnant belly and has long eye lashes with dark hair stubble on his face while pouting his lips.

Suddenly the woman looks to her right and so do the men on the couch as two big bald menacing men, come into view and appear very angry and threatening. They appear to be shouting as they raise their fists at the people on the couch.
The two men were wearing light blue jeans and white vests. They had an 80's look to them.

I couldn't hear anything.

I then see a set of three text messages on a black screen with a purple template and white font colour text under the video.
Amongst some nasty words were " Your a liar." The next was "It's your fault." The third was "Expect a fight."

I knew the message came from the woman.


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