The Farm Dream 30.07.2023

The Farm 30.07.2023

I was with a group of people. They were ex military spec ops personnel, some very recently made redundant due to the current corrupt administration in America. There are 7 of us. All specialists in different areas of military units and regiments. 

We are at a large compound on top of a set of rolling hills, like a farm. We are surrounded by countryside and forest.

We had received intelligence that something was hidden there from the enemy that would destroy their lies and would begin the fall of the enemies and agenda.

We look in the houses, the fields, the barns and store housing, the sheds, the forests and we can not find anything. We start to get frustrated. We had been looking for a while now and we knew finding this evidence was our last ditch effort to get things done in a legal or practical sense. I had a feeling of everything leans on this. We carry on looking and there is nothing. Seems we are out of luck. 

We are sat in the garden on chairs around a fire pit.

Some have a cold drink in their hands, some are eating but all of us are trying to come up with ideas in case we might have missed something. 

They carry on talking and I get off my chair and go for a walk and start kicking or scuffing my feet at the ground in frustration. As I do this, I kick up some soil that seems to be covering something underneath it. I carry on using my foot to unearth what seemed to be a couple of steps then there was what seemed to be a hole. I carried on using my feet until the hole got large.

I called the rest of the guys over. They said this wasn't normal and there was something in there that was hidden. We all start digging.

As we continue digging we come to discover a board that was just under the soil. We open it up and we found these wrapped up brown and black bags that looked like drugs were inside them. There was tons of this stuff. There was also tons of ammunition, weapons, documents of bribes, contracts with foreign nations to destroy America and it's people.

The Mexican cartel, China and Iran were highlighted to me to pay attention to. I knew there was more groups and nations involved. 

All the evidence had been collecting dust on it for a long time. This stuff hadn't been touched for years.

As we dig this evidence up we organise it into piles and then onto pallets as there was so much evidence. Across the whole car park, drive way, road and even the field, we stacked this evidence on pallets. We called in more people to help us as we couldn't do this ourselves. They helped document and record all of it. We were all working efficiently like a well drilled team and we felt like we knew we got them and the enemy wasn't going to get out of this one. They were done!

This was hard work and I had a bit of a sweat on, so I grabbed a cold drink and took a second to take a breath and wipe my brow. I then get a feeling that drawers my focus towards the forest surrounding us.

I get a feeling like we are being watched. Something or someone was out there and they were getting ready to surround us or ambush us. I feel very uneasy and say "something is off, something is very off."

I go and tell the guys "we need to focus on the forest, someone is out there and this doesn't feel right." The guys get their equipment out and scan for anything in the forest area around us. They can't see anything. They try and calm me down, some joke with a military sense of humour at my expense but tell me to keep an eye out as they carry on working if it would put my mind at ease.

I turn back to the forest and shake my head as if to indicate my disappointment in the guys not listening to me seriously and just brushing me off as paranoid. I then suddenly hear in the distance military helicopters coming towards our direction, military vehicles coming up the road and the shouting of men in the forest, in foreign voices running and closing in on us with weapons drawn. At this time my team notice what's going on and get in a combat ready position. They then realize we are completely surrounded and there was no way we were going to get out of this through a gun fight.

These enemy soldiers are all dressed in military combat uniform but the men in them were not good military. They were evil, wicked men that were from cartels, CCP and Iran.

Two helicopters land in the driveway. Out of one comes a Mexican looking general with Joe Biden and out of the other comes Hunter Biden.

My self and two other members of my team (they were more of the leadership of the team) walk up to both Joe and Hunter with their general standing to our right that was in between both groups. This general was ready to order his troops to shoot us at a drop of a hat. Hunter looks scared, like he had messed up majorly and this was his fault. This discovery was his fault.

Joe didn't look like the Joe we see on TV. He wasn't a bumbling idiot but was tall and stone cold. He had no soul and didn't care about anyone or thing accept himself. He was wearing a black long coat with big black sunglasses on his cold, angry face.

Joe speaks directly to all three of us in a direct, soulless manner " All of this belongs to me. You are going to give all of it back to us now. If you don't or hide anything from us I'm going to kill you, your family, everyone you have ever loved. I will end you. I will not be asking you a second or third time so don't mess me around." He, the general and the troops around us were not messing around. Our response would determine what would happen to us.

I remember as this was taking place none of my team were in fear or emotional in the slightest. We were all calm and had this quiet confidence about us. We did as what was said and showed them everything we had found, where we found it and where we put it. Even while the enemy troops would shove us or hit us with the butt stocks of their rifles we were not once afraid. We knew under any other circumstances we would of ended these guys but we were smart enough to know when and when not to fight.

As we were coming close to handing everything over, I was watching the enemy troops and they all looked like they were just about ready to clean house with us. At that moment I sensed something had changed for the benefit of us. I also noticed my other team members felt and noticed this too.

This seemed to be an opportune time to speak the truth with authority and boldness.

One of my team members found some evidence that revealed that Hunter wanted to kill his dad. Hunter had been trying to convince the general that was with them to do it as this general was ordered by Joe to be Hunter's baby sitter or handler. Hunter had stated in one document that he felt like he was a dog on a leash. Again, more communication between Hunter and the general showed how the general felt like a dog on a leash under Joe too. They both plotted different ways to incriminate and ways to take out Joe.

Joe looks coldly and in disgust at the general and then Hunter and then back at my team member that was talking to him and said, "show me." My team member did and then a shouting match erupted between Joe and the general. Joe is shouting and pointing fingers at the general and then Hunter, shouting how much of a loser and dead beat hunter was. He was saying the most nasty things a father could ever say about their own child.

Joe says to the general "It was your job to keep him in line.  So you want to kill me huh? Tough guy huh! You want to kill me!?!" and starts to push the general.

With this something happens. 

I feel that there was a panic button pressed from someone in the enemies ranks. I don't know who it was, but I was sure it wasn't Hunter or the general. The enemy had been infiltrated from within.

As this signal went off, all of a sudden the enemy troops were surrounded. 

Thousands of American spec ops, Marines and other military units surrounded the enemy. They came out of the forest and even from where we had dug up all the evidence underground. Apache helicopters circled in pairs while jets screamed past overhead. Brand new, futuristic Humvees and tanks speed up the roads and fields. These soldiers were the absolute best and they were ready to annihilate the enemy in a fraction of a second.

The enemy was completely done.

From the Humvee out step a couple of generals and DJT.

He walks up to Joe, Hunter and the general and says, "I told you, we caught you all! The whole world is going to know it all. Take them away gentlemen."

All the enemy troops give up and are cable tied and arrested.

DJT walks up to me and my team and says, "Well done gentlemen. You have found a treasure trove of evidence and at the same time brought them all together in one place. You did this without even knowing. You had the courage to face your enemy and you never gave up hope. You gave us everything we needed. I want to honour you all."

We all said "No Mr President, we were just doing what was right and its us that want to thank you for all that you have done for America and the world."

DJT then said "It's the heroes like you, those that are not in the spotlight, that have fought everyday along side me. You are warriors whether its behind a rifle kicking down doors, rescuing children, feeding the homeless, sharing the gospel or simply sharing love and compassion for your fellow man. You have all been in this fight and appear to have lost so much. I want you to know I truly honour each of you. You have fought well. Now is the time to rest and enjoy the fruits of your rewards."

(I felt in the dream and now that this was a message from the Holy Spirit. You don't have to be a soldier fighting on the battlefield to be a warrior).

DJT said "Right, get on board."

We see these two presidential helicopters and we got on them. As we took off, we could see all the evidence on pallet trucks as far as the eye could see and it was all wrapped up and secured. The realisation of the amount of evil and the amount of people this evil had hurt, stole from and killed overwhelmed us all to tears, but we knew it was over.

We then land at this massive house. I knew in the dream this represented the true White House though it wasn't in Washington.

There was a podium and behind it was standing DJT and stood in a line directly behind him, was all of the team. To our sides were some pallets of evidence.

DJT was giving a heart felt speech of honour to all the people that took part in fighting back against the enemy. He gave us medals around our necks and the media was there from all over the world. 

This was celebration time for us but ultimate punishment for evil.

Added Notes 03.08.2023

Today while waking up to having another dream the Lord lead me to a video. He encouraged me to look through a telegram channel and as I do, I see this video come up of Chanel Rion doing a presentation (video added).

The text of the post reads as follows:
"From Chanel Rion "THE REST OF THE BRIBE?
June 2020: $6 MILL in $100 bills bundled on desks of Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s office - SEIZED BURISMA BRIBE $$$.
But there was more... $44 MILL more.
And Biden, Archer, Rosemont-Seneca were IMPLICATED by Prosecutor General’s office. 
Where did the rest of Burisma Bribe cash go before Biden had the Prosecutor General fired?
From the OAN #BidenBribeTapes series. 
First aired 2020."

So OAN, Chanel Rion and the reveal of corruption being all presented were all in the dream this morning.

Other things that stand out to me and relate to The Farm Dream are first the title.

"The Rest of the Bribe"- All the money mentioned and the documentation.
"Bundled"- Mass collection of evidence then stacking on pallets.
"Biden"- Both father and son of the main characters in the dream.
"Implicated"- Again revealing of truth through evidence.
"Bribe"- That was discovered in the evidence.
"Prosecutor General fired"- One of the main characters was a general that ended having a argument with Joe, you could say he would of been fired, in more ways then one.


  1. This is such a powerful and wonderful dream! Thanks for sharing! So encouraging!

  2. The CIA is also known as "The Farm"


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