Time To Leave A Bad Company 18.08.2023

Time To Leave A Bad Company 18.08.2023

I was working for a big company that wasn't good.

They were supposed to be providing care and support for people with different disabilities.

I was out with one of the people that needed support and two other members of staff. One member of staff was a friend I know in real life and the other was a agency worker that was foreign. The agency staff didn't seem to care and didn't speak any english. The other member of staff spoke english and cared for the person we were supporting.

As we are out an evil man approached us. He had glasses on and a long nose. He had short dark hair and was skinny and tall. Before he got to us I knew he was trouble.

I could smell his attitude. It was like a mixture of bad breathe and bad BO. He was the owner of the big company I worked for.

He approached me and said " You are going to report back to me what is wrong with this person and you are going to tell me how you cured them." He then leaves. I think to myself what a nasty and disgusting person. I also thought about how insane his demands were as there was no cure for the person I was looking after.

We all get back to this massive house and in it is a huge hall that is used as a lunch hall but also for presentations or meetings. As we are sitting down, in comes this guy storming directly towards me. He shouts "where is my report and what did you find out? Data! Where is it?!"

I looked at him in complete disgust and went to tell him a few things but to sum it up as cleanly as I can I didn't have anything he demanded.

He walks away and goes to this white board. The place is now full of staff sat on chairs, like in a university class room. The guy starts shouting at the people sitting down that if they don't come up with ways on how to cure the people they support the company will lose money.

This guy was writing ways on the white board on how to exploit the people that we supported, their families, local authorities, charities, and government schemes out of money.

Everyone seemed absolutely fine with it like it was normal, nodding their heads and writing down notes un phased. My friend and I leave and go get out bags and coats and as we do we are mocked and ridiculed.

It is raining outside.


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