Australia Rises Dream 16.06.2023

Australia Rises Dream 16.06.2023

I was in Australia. 

I was standing on one side of a river bank next to an extremely shallow river bed. It was a bright sunny day with a blue sky. There was some trees with some shade on my side of the bank but not many and then a dirt road behind me. I didn't see where the road lead to. 

Across the riverbank I can hear a stirring speech, like a king motivating his troops before a battle. I couldn't see anyone as the voice was over the slight incline on the other side of the river bank. I didn't hear exactly what was being said but I knew it was very inspiring or motivating. Then I heard a loud shout of "CHARGE!" and men shouting as if they were running into battle. I could then hear horses and men running towards my direction. I could feel the horses running, the rumbling under my feet. 

Then these horses and riders on them that were dressed in chain mail and different armour came down the opposite side of the bank, ran across the shallow river, splashing the water, which glistened and reflected the sun light,(it was beautiful) then they continued to charge on to my side of the bank and ran past me.

They were holding spears, swords and shields. They came over in lines and the lines were straight. This happened in waves. 

I could hear different voices behind me in shock saying "oh, look at that". "what are they doing?" "who are they?" "would you look at that!" 

I didn't see these people speaking behind me but they sounded shocked, confused, a little scared, excited and amazed. 


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