A Walk On The Beach Dream 08.09.2023

A Walk On The Beach Dream 08.09.2023

I was working in a seaside town in England.

The job I was doing was for a company that made something using carpentry machinery. I wasn't very good at it. The manager had already given me warnings saying my performance needed to improve but I told him that I didn't have the skill set for that job role. I was ready to leave as I had enough.

I am now walking along a sandy shore contemplating my future when I see a father and son in front of me approach. They have massive smiles on their faces, and seem to have the greatest outlook on life. The son looks in his late twenties and his father looks within his mid sixties, but both just looked youthful and full of life.

The son stands in front of me while the father comes to my side and gives me a friendly nudge with his shoulder on my right shoulder and says " Hey young man, why the frown on the handsome face?" I smile and let out a little laugh and tell him I'm okay. I then say to him " You have a wonderful attitude on life and a beautiful smile." The father laughs and says, "Thank you young man, but my son, he has the best smile in the world." The son then comes up to me and says, " I get it from him" and starts laughing. The son then says " What brings your heart to this beach today?"

I smile and say " Nothing, just needed a bit of a break from work and decided to come and walk here." The son then says " That's not what he says" then he turns and points to the ocean. I look at him, then the ocean then at him again and say " I don't understand, who are you talking about?" I then put my right hand over the top of my eyebrows as to help with my field of vision while looking out to the ocean. As I'm doing this I hear the father say " Look closer."

I drawer my hand back and look at both of them. They are both sat next to one another on the sand to my right. I say " Sorry, I don't understand what you mean." They are both looking out to the ocean with smiles on their faces and then the both of them say at the same time, " We will show you." 

The father then says " Oh yes! He is here!" and runs towards the water. He looked so free and without a care regarding the way he ran towards the water. He appeared to be running in love and didn't care who saw. 

The son stands up and put out his hand and says to me "Come with us?" I, even though slightly confused grab his hand and he pulls me up. The son then runs in the same way as his father to the water while shouting to me "COME ON! COME JOIN US!"

I then start running. 

As I run I fall over and face plant the sand. I lift my face and spit out the sand. I look at them and feel slightly embarrassed for just a second until I see them both laughing and gesturing me with their hands to come join them in the water. I laugh too, get up and run into the water with them.

We are running, splashing and swimming in the water until what seemed to be a long period of time had passed. 

The three of us are now all sitting in the water looking out into the ocean. The water is calm, almost to the point there was no tide. The water around us was slightly foamy and soft. I felt so safe, happy and at peace. This was the best time I appeared to have ever experienced.

The father then said to me " Would you let us help you at work?" I remember feeling a little taken back as to how he knew something was wrong but I said "Sure, but I don't want to take up your time." The father and son look at each other and smile then they both look at me and say " We have time".

All three of us then get up and are standing in the water and we walk back up the shore but as we do, the water and tide seem to follow us up. We were always walking in water. The father then said "Anyone hungry?" The son nodded and looked at me with a big grin as to suggest yes, so I agree. 

We are now sat at the top of the beach, on a wooden picnic bench table eating fish and chips. It was the best fish and chips I had ever eaten. The perfect amount of salt and vinegar, the chips being soft and fluffy on the inside yet crispy on the outside and the fish, succulent and nourishing.

As we are eating the father is telling me a strategy on how to overcome my problem at work. He told me what to say, who's to say it to and how to say it. The father had this wisdom that I had never known before yet, it was so easy to understand. I couldn't help notice that this was all surrounded in love. 

The son then says to me " Go there and we will wait at the desk. Remember, take the water with you."

We are now at the place of work and I approach my manager at the desk and ask him for a chat. He says sure and invites me into his office. I look back and see both the father and son looking at me with smiles while the son gestures with his right hand and arm "Go get em!"

I say what the father coached me on and the manager was so happy with what I said and how I said it, he created a new position within the company that would compliment my skill set. I knew as well as myself, he was truly happy.

As I look out the office window, I can see that the father and son have a crowd of staff around them laughing and having good conversations. The father was shown some paper with designs on it by the staff and he was praising their work and asking them questions about it. I saw him with a pen and ruler in his hand.

The son was being shown around all the machinery and seeing all that had been created. He was impressed and congratulating the people. I then see him using a heavy duty sander while smiling and laughing with the people. 

My manager says to me " who are those guys? I've never seen those friends of yours before." 

I said " Neither did I, until today."


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