Walk Out The Dream - 17.04.2024 - 08:45

 Walk Out The Dream - 17.04.2024 - 08:45

It's night time and I see street lights either side of the empty road I am walking on.

There are two pavements, one either side of me. I am close to the right side pavement coming around a bend. 

As I go into the straight, the road and the light go dark, then black. I look to my right and see a hooded black man. I see the outline of him but not his face. His hood is up.

I turn once, quickly spot him, then turn forward. I then turn my whole body with my hands in my jacket pockets, and face him. I say to him "I see you. Don't try it buddy." He then stops walking towards me and I can hear him mumbling something towards me but don't understand what he is saying.

I follow him around the bend to see if he goes back into the light. He doesn't get fully exposed but becomes a lot more clearer. 

I continued to say "don't try it." I was speaking very confidently and was ready to fight but had a relaxed tone. 

I now see another black man from my right. I could see him a lot more clearly. He was wearing a grey hoodie. He doesn't seem to acknowledge me but acknowledges the other guy. He seems to be confronting the other guy saying, "what are you doing? What do you think you are doing?"


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