Video Of Two Testimonies. Feb 20, 2024.

 Video Of Two Testimonies. Feb 20, 2024.

Here is a video I did on my return from the USA regarding my experiences and two testimonies of what I saw the power of the Lord's heart for His children when they realize they are seen.

God bless you all.


  1. Ash, this is Alicia. I listened to your video a second time, but in the presence of my husband. He listened to most of it…..planting seeds! I love you brother! Come further South next time! 💕

    1. That's so awesome sister. Oh I know I will be seeing you guys at some point...and the crazy pups lol! Love you sister!

  2. Hi Ash
    As soon as I started listening to the podcast I felt in my spirit that you are supposed to be in the US. Then you spoke it. Gods timing is exact. Blessings

    1. WOW! Thank you for the confirmation that Holy Spirit spoke through you. God bless you friend.

  3. Hi Ash, my name is Angie. I was so blessed by your video. I have struggled with obedience and I'm not going to lie, I still do. I thank Jesus for putting you in my path to minister to me and so many others.🙏

    1. It' s an honour Angie to serve the Lord and to co labour bringing His Love and truth to His children. What a blessing that is. Thank sister and keep moving in faith in Him. Jesus will never let you down.


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