Nat King Cole Dream - 02.03.2204 - 00.00-03.00 - Home

 Nat King Cole Dream - 02.03.2204 - 00.00-03.00 - Home

I'm in an old southern shanty house that appears to have been abandoned for a long time. 

A man that looks like Nat King Cole wearing a white long sleeved shirt, black trousers and shiny black shoes is standing in front of me with a grin on his face. He looks very thin, gaunt in the face with big eyes. The setting sun was reflecting off his sweating forehead. He looked so untrustworthy. 

He starts to speak to me while singing at the same time. I know he is trying to seduce me with a lie. He tells me about who I apparently am, and what I am meant to be doing, yet I know he's a liar. 

I say 'You're a liar!' and I turn my back on him and I walk down a very long hallway that had a light brown, cheap flimsy floor. I know it's not safe to be walking down this hallway but knew I had to get out fast. 

I see wood panels above me that looked like they belonged under a carpet that were very thin. 

I get to a very broken, crumbling door and go to open it with my right hand.


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