Julie Bowen Luetkemeyer Wake Dream 24.11.2023

Julie Bowen Luetkemeyer Wake Dream 24.11.2023

I was walking with a large group of people that appeared to be friends on a path, next to a beach on our left. The time appeared to be turning towards evening.

On the shore I see two extremely tall cliff edges which are both facing inward towards each other, with the beach going in between them while people walked through it. The people walking through the middle of them don't look phased.

I am now standing on a decking area with all the people and there is a fire pit going as the evening is dark. I feel the warmth of the fire. 

There is a man that steps forward from the group, turns and faces us. I knew he was a doctor. He then started to say how he will miss this woman we all knew as she was a dear friend of his and all of us. 

The people then got into three lines. They then started to cry. I didn't cry but had an overwhelming feeling to comfort these people.

The doctor then gave a throw blanket to the first person in the front row. On the top of the blanket was a chocolate brown coloured material that looked like silk. Underneath was a fluffy white cotton material.

The doctor said "This is what she loved to hold to comfort her. She loved this blanket." The person holding the blanket then holds it to their chest and embraces it then passes it down to the next person and they do the same down each row.

I am at the back row.

When the blanket gets to me I hold it to my chest and see who the woman is. It is the actress that plays the mum on a series called "modern family." 

I could see her holding the blanket over her front and crying into it. She was sat on a outdoor sofa, or lounger chair, with a fire pit burning in front of her on a decking area while looking up at the sky watching the sun go down. She looked sad, like she knew she was going to die. 

I then start to cry. I pass on the blanket to my right.


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