Hurt Hiding Behind A Smile 11.02.2024 - 08.00 - Myrtle Beach

Hurt Hiding Behind A Smile 11.02.2024 - 08.00 - Myrtle Beach

I am at a soccer tournament with multiple pitches in front of me. The sun is high in this sky to my right. 

I am watching men playing on the different pitches then they all changed as if I'd blinked and now there was only women playing on the pitches.

I am now standing inside a building in a cafeteria area. 

There was a hallway further down the building that had lots of doors on either side. The flooring was made of a brown, oak looking wood. 

In the cafeteria area was lots of white tables that had four chairs on every table.  The walls were a turquois colour with white skirting boards. At the end of the cafeteria, cakes were on display and hot plates with bright golden lights shining above the lids. 

There was only women in this place. There was an older lady serving the food while players were sat down eating, chatting, and others were walking around with trays.

I walked from the cafeteria into the hallway. 

I noticed the hallway felt more narrow then it looked as I saw each door was a light brown colour. I look to my left and there is some steps going down with a silver hand rail on the left side. This was designed in the shape of an L. It looked like a wheelchair ramp but with steps.

At the bottom of the steps was a blonde lady with here hair in a pony tail. She had blue eyes. She appeared to be in her early thirties.

I acknowledge her and say hi with a smile and she smiles back at me but I know there is something wrong. I know she is really, really upset. I don't say anything but think to myself, 'I hope she is okay? I wonder what is wrong?'

The woman then turns directly facing me, smiles and looks like she is going to say something to me but doesn't say anything.
I then ask her, 'are you okay?' She then shakes her head as to indicate no. She carries on smiling but I can see she is fighting back tears. She doesn't speak with her lips but I hear her say, ' I'm hurting, I'm hurting, I'm hurting.'

I take a step closer to her as I wanted to place my hand on her right shoulder to comfort her. I then see the door behind her. She doesn't say anything to me but I know she wants to go into that room to speak to me in private. I then know the room behind her is the laundry room. 

I then hear her say, ' She hurt me. I'm bleeding, I'm bleeding inside.'


  1. Wow. Would love to hear your thoughts on this one!

    1. Feel there is a video that will follow this dream. I will let the Lord lead on this. Please feel free to share what you received friend. God bless you.

  2. Hi Ash. I'm Kryn
    What stands out to me is in 2 of the dreams hallways are present.
    I'm wondering if that represents the idea of making a change and/or acting on what you believe.
    Hope this helps.

    1. Hi Kryn. Thank you so much with sharing what you picked up on. It does speak to me my friend, so thank you again. I will press in. God bless you.


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