Chicks And Ducklings Dream - 02.03.2204 - 05.05 - Home

Chicks And Ducklings Dream - 02.03.2204 - 05.05 - Home

I see a woman walking towards me that was slightly plumped, had short curly brown hair and a beautiful smile on her face. She's walking down a hallway that looks like a hospital.
I then know this place houses chicks and ducklings. I then see a large group of chicks come running up the hallway as they chirped.

She informs me the chicks are a little bit sick and she was demonstrating what she was using in their food to help them feel better. This was shown to me like I was watching a documentary. I then hear a younger man in the background say, 'They are looking a little bit more plumped now, a little bit more wider.'  

I now see baby ducklings walking up in a line up the hallway.

I am now looking at a tray being filled with tiny little dusty food. I also see egg shells being brushed over gently with some sort of oily paste. This paste was also being dripped into the dusty food trays.

This was done while people were smiling and I could see their hearts had good intent.


  1. I wish I had some brilliant observation, but maybe it has something to do with what they have done to our food/water…?

    1. Hey friend. I believe your right. I also feel this is regarding the season or, time frame (Easter). God bless you!


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