Knock At The Door Dream 04.01.2024. 20:45 UK Time.

Knock At The Door Dream 04.01.2024. 20:45 UK Time. Part 1

I see a man with very short hair and wearing thin framed glasses standing inside a house, looking out of a little window at the top of the front door. The door looks really weak and feeble. It is night outside.

The man has a brown glass bottle in his left hand. The man is talking to himself while looking outside, saying, " They think they are coming in, they got another thing coming." He sounded like he was ready to fight.

There is a flash of light that comes through the top window of the door like a passing car with it's head lights driving past. The man then sit's on the floor with his back against the door. He takes a swig of his bottle and then pulls out a pistol from his right pocket. He is wearing grey shorts. 

There is now a bang on the door.

The door continues to bang two or three times then the man shouts, "You better leave or you are going to get a real surprise!"

The door then makes an extremely loud bang, then starts to break at the top with a hand that can start to be seen.

The man, still sat on the floor, turns towards the door and fires a couple of shots through the door then stands up, drops the bottle and it smashes. He then leans against it with his left shoulder and points with his right hand the pistol through the broken wood, and angles it towards the head of the person outside. He then say's, " try breaking this," and fires another shot.

Suddenly, a hand breaks through the door and grabs the man by his left shoulder, and shouts in a concerned way, "I am your pastor!"

The man stops, takes one step back and opens the door. He then sits on the floor and says, "Look at the mess. You didn't have to break my door down." The pastor looks at him and says, "I'll clean it up."

I am now in my parents house and there is a group of people there I have never met, sat in the lounge.

They say they are Christians yet, not once do they mention Jesus, God or Holy Spirit as they talk amongst themselves and me. They only talk to me when offering or giving me a drink. It is always in a plastic, clear bottle. It is always given or offered by the same man. He looks like a pastor but I do not trust him.

He gives me another bottle and says, " Drink this." I take the bottle then say, "I'm going to the bathroom" then get up and go upstairs. As I go to the bathroom, I open the bottle and know it is poisoned. I pour the bottle in the toilet and then go to my bedroom.

I then hear the pastor and the group of people talking to one another while they are tidying the house. The pastor says, "His dad is dead."

I now have a revelation that my dad is not coming back as I'm sat at the top of the stairs.

A date then comes into view "08 Nov." I then start to weep and cry in a screeching, long drawn out way that my soul felt it was getting thinner, "Dad, Dad, Dad..."

Video Part 1

Video Part 2


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