Recue Boat Vision 30.11.2023

Recue Boat Vision 30.11.2023

Just seen a vision of a inflatable, grey, rescue boat out in a large body of water. It was in either the early hours of morning.

It was moving fast and in the direction away from where I was facing.
There is a black motor with a man steering it, stood to it's right. 

Sat in front of him is a girl with long black hair that looks very dry and brittle, like warn and unwashed. 
She looks between 12-14 years old. I couldn't make out if she had slightly dark skin or if she had a dirty face due to the lack of light. She was staring into space, emotionless. She was wearing some sort of life jacket.

To her right was a younger boy that had his back towards me. 
I could hear him weeping and sniffling. There was a man that was with him that looked like he was comforting him. 
This man, and the one steering the boat felt like they were on a mission, Military.

The waves were not big but I could feel them coming in the direction we were going. I can hear the front of the boat's nose hitting the waves when it dropped over the waves.

I can now slightly see some light begin to come through to my left yet, I can also see some stars in the sky mixed in with clouds. 

Everyone on the boat was wearing dark clothing.


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