Word From The Lord 25.10.2023

Word From The Lord 25.10.2023

Woke up with a word from the Lord saying, "To hear the fruits of the Lord will make your paths straight."


  1. Have you received any clarity or impression on this Word?

    1. Hey Debbie.

      I have had some revelation regarding this Word. It is regarding an active will to hear or take notice of the "fruits" or "blessings" the Lord has given each of us personally, but also to listen to others testimonies that they share that lifts hope and faith. When we then receive hope , we receive the faith. When we receive the faith, we walk forward on the path He has set before us. Hope this helps you Debbie and God bless you.

    2. So do you mean something like the supernatural byproduct or result of thankfulness and Christian fellowship is hope and faith and therefore results in clearer vision and stability in His ways? And thank you

    3. It certainly comes from a heart of gratitude and from our fellowship with one another within the body, but for me, I have seen more blessings and "fruit" come from serving others once I have first seeked the kingdom of God then all these blessings have been presented to me. God bless you Debbie.


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