Tunnel Vision 02.11.2023

Tunnel Vision 02.11.2023

I am in an underground tunnel that was well kept and, very wide with lighting, some brick walling and some wooden doors.

I'm going down the tunnel so fast, and going around the corners I feel I am watching a video on fast forward.
As this is happening, I can hear gun fire of automatic weapons, while men are shouting in foreign voices. I can hear echo's of heavy leather boots stepping on sand and their heals turning and twisting on it. I also hear the sound of those voices, and they have very authoritative tones. They are very serious.

As I pass doors on both sides of me, I hear explosions and debris falling.

I get to a wooden black door in front of me. I am now sat in the back of the room behind the black wooden door. I see the door in front of me explode open with white smoke.
I see two ghost looking angels come out of the smoke and usher out protectively, two girls and a boy. The boy is no more than 8, One girl 10-11 and the other girl 5-7. As they went out, and this happening so quickly, military men in what looks like swat or spec op combat uniform come right in behind them and are shouting for a couple of seconds. They now fire their weapons . I hear two thudding sounds to my left slightly behind me.

This is the quickest thing I have ever experienced.


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