The Power Of when Two Or More Come Together In His Name. Continue In Faith & Keep Your Hope. 20.11.2023

 The Power Of when Two Or More Come Together In His Name. Continue In Faith & Keep Your Hope. 20.11.2023

Temple In The Mountain Vision 15.11.2023

A friend and myself are praying and as we do I see an old temple that looks ancient, built into the side of a high mountain. It is really rocky and has a rough granite texture to it. 

There are other mountains around it but not as high. There is a valley with some trees but not a lot.

The temple has steps leading to five pillars that stand in front of a large, dark cut out rectangle entrance way. In front of the steps are three lamps that have fire lit in them. The lamps appear to be made from a black iron material.

As I am describing this to my friend, I am getting closer to the entrance. My friend then gets a word from the Lord "Indonesia." We both tried to confirm with each other what religious entity ruled over that nation. Hindu or Muslim.

I now see myself further in the dark entrance. I didn't want to be there and said to the Lord I wanted to leave. I did.

This was a true camp of the enemy in the spirit and also natural.

I then see rocky steps come out of the mountain sides, and spiral down it. I then see soldiers marching with tall spears, lifting their knees really high as they marched down the steps. They had really sharp uniform and armour on that looked red and orange. They had a fur back on their helmets that looked like foxes.

I felt this was a high place of the enemy.

The Lord then said "It will fall. It is going to fall."

This is what fighting from third heaven authority looks like.

Update Note 16.11.2023

Woke up this morning to see at 07:26 GMT +8 a 6.0 Mag earthquake hit northwest of Manado, north Sulawesi, Indonesia. 


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