Man Of Steel Dream 29.07.2023

Man Of Steel Dream 29.07.2023

I was in a theatre watching a superman film called "man of steel."

The theatre wasn't particularly busy and had a lot of empty seats. I was sat in the back row.

In the scene of the movie I was watching, superman is flying through the air in a large city pursuing an enemy that is looking to destroy mankind because he knows this is the way to get to superman. 
The enemy wanted to destroy superman's joy, hope and reason for living. He also wanted superman to bow down to him and know that he was more powerful than superman, and to serve him.

Superman isn't having any of it and is flying so fast in pursuit the skyscrapers he flies past, the windows smash but before they do, they turn into a liquid form (like the matrix film).

Superman catches up with the villain in the sky and makes impact and he starts to fight in close quarter combat as they both carry on flying through the air. As they fight, the villain is purposefully leading their fight path through buildings as to destroy as much of the city and life as possible.
The villain knew this would cause no physical damage to superman, but was relying on superman's love and compassion for mankind to distract him long enough for the villain to obtain an advantage in the fight.

As they carry on, they fly into some buildings and unfortunately people are killed as the buildings that they are in are hit. They were falling out the buildings or being crushed by the debris.
Superman see's this and for a second, takes his eyes off the enemy and this is when the villain takes his opportunity and holds superman in a position that puts him in a weak state due to the villain having something (chain or large necklace) around his neck. Kryptonite.

The villain says "I'm going to destroy these men you so love. You get to watch it and they will blame you for it."

The villain then increases their speed that it could not be measured. They smash through buildings of every kind around the world. It was intense, very intense.

Then a large group of teens come into the theatre and were loudly being directed to come and sit in different seats and rows. These people shouting appeared to be teachers. They acted like they didn't care about other people being in the theatre trying to watch the movie. They even turned the lights on.

I got angry and left the theatre screen heading to the theatre foyer to make a complaint to management.
I get to the foyer and there are these lines of tables with 2 chairs on one side and 1 on the other. It was like a class room but in a theatre foyer.

There was what I perceived to be managerial staff, sat at on one side of the table so I went and sat down to talk to her and make my complaint about how rude and inconsiderate these people were. More so the teachers as they were the ones that were responsible for the students and should be setting the example how to respect other people. 

The lady (old, very wrinkled skin wearing glasses that she had to look down her nose to see through and looked "woke") said, "I'm sorry, let me introduce you to someone that wants to, and can help you. They just want to ask you a few questions."
I remember feeling like this was a set up and something fishy was going on.

Suddenly to my right a secret service man pulls up the chair next to me sitting with the back rest between his legs, with his arms resting on it and his chin rested on his arms. He had this smile that was menacing and was intended to intimidate. He was trying to stop me leaving.

I said "you better back away because I'm not afraid of you". He didn't say anything or move, he just smirked and looked across me as if he had seen someone he knew.
I look to my left as I hear tables and chairs scratch and screech, as if a class was dismissed and everyone left the room at the same time quickly without a word spoken.

I look up and see BHO standing in front of me, with this fake smile on his face.
He says "hello" and then proceeds to state "you are going to help me."
Straight away I was thinking "no I'm not, and you are going to know it in a minute right after I deal with your friend next to me."

BHO then slithered his way slowly between the table and my chair.
He then began to put three pieces of paper on the table. On these were football players faces (soccer for my American brethren) with some information about them like a bio, but I knew some of the information was missing.

BHO says "what do you know about these men?"
I wasn't going to give any information but somehow knew these men took the shot and were going to or were in the process of actively speaking out against them. In the dream I had some sort of existing friendship with one of these men. I wont give names but all three men played in the top level of the English professional leagues at some point in there careers. All three men were black and I felt this was why they where on the enemy's radar as a previous strategy was or had turned against the enemy. They had shot themselves in the foot so to speak.

I didn't respond to any of his questions.

BHO then slithers closer to me. I start to raise my voice and tell him "you need to back up from my space before you learn a hard lesson." 
He didn't care, and looked like he enjoyed my threat. He kept on asking the same questions a couple more times and then, as I didn't respond, calmly he said " you are going to tell me what I asked you about these men. Don't make me the bad guy. Do as I say."
I looked at him up and down as to let him know I thought he was crazy, and I'm not going to repeat what I said to him but the polite version of it was "why don't you make like a tree and leaf."

With that, the secret service guy moved his chair right up next to me while at the same time I tried to move away from him, BHO sits on my lap.

I shout out loudly "he is invading my personal space! Unwanted physical contact! Someone get the police or get this on your phones!"
BHO put his right arm over my left shoulder and said "do you see anyone here that can hear you, let alone want to hear you?" I look around and the place has no one in it a part from his goons.

As I shrug his arm off my shoulder, I look at him in the face and say "I don't fear you devil."
He looks at me with this sick, demonic smile. He says to me "we will see."


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