Devastation On The Enemy In The Spirit Vision 01.11.2023

Devastation On The Enemy In The Spirit Vision 01.11.2023

I was in prayer this morning.

The scriptures I read were Psalm 91,92,90 then 92 again. He had me praying that the angels that were at my left and right would lift their bows and drawer the fire lit arrows, after I finished Psalm 90. I was shown another row of angels behind the front row. I was instructed to declare "Draw" again. I did. I then read Psalm 92 and after this I decreed "Loose" and they let all the arrows fly into a night sky. 

I began to praise God and thank Him, then I felt this excitement, like I was a part of something the enemy had no clue about, and they were truly going to get hit from this with a massive surprise. 

I then hear the Lord say "Do you want to see the damage you inflicted to the enemies camp?" I said "yes Lord!" The Lord said, "Sit back and watch."
I leaned back on the sofa and closed my eyes, focusing on breathing and waiting in anticipation for what the Lord was about to do or show me.

I then see around 200-300 fire lit, arrows flying up in the night sky, going away from me and heard the sound of men behind me, excited and celebrating what was heading towards the target. I saw a high wall that looked to be made from dried clay or sand. The arrows were going way over the walls into a large city that was well lit within the walls.

The arrows then looked like they are falling vertically from a great height and had a white pulsating and shimmering light. They had a tail coming off them as they fell.
There was a single arrow that was slightly ahead of the others and when I could no longer see it, this massive flash of what looked like a cloud of silver hit and expanded a great distance, yet I knew it didn't encompass the whole city area. The other arrows however did, big time.

Every arrow that hit had this cloud, a dusty impact but they were so different with colour and also texture. Some had multiple colours that were actual flames.
There was a golden, amber fire cloud that really stood out. Another had so many colours in it, it then continued to launch other coloured arrows out of it's cloud. It looked like the most awe inspired firework display every seen.

I saw out of the silver cloud arrow, warring angels come running out of them with swords, spears and short swords that shined God's Light.
They ran up and along walls and slew men dressed in dark black armour but also black spirits. They were so fast I knew I couldn't blink and had to look ahead to their target for me to see them reach it and take it down. There was this direct, unwavering attack that was absolute precise, and unforgiving. I could hear different wailing, some women but I didn't feel a single bit of remorse. 

I saw a man in dark black armour on all fours that had his eyes closed. He had one of the angels stood over him to his left. He spat at the angel's feet before the angel drove his sword right through his back in between his shoulder blades. He was so quick and direct with his technic. 

I am now standing looking to my left and right. I can no longer hear the voices of the angels but they all looked like they were at attention, and drew away into some tall bushes that are behind me and them.

I now open my eyes and start praising and thanking God.


  1. I love, love this dream! Thank you for sharing your dreams and God's message! I tried to envision what you saw, and it took my breath away. I can only imagine seeing it first-hand. God is so amazing!! God bless you! Linda

    1. Thank you Linda for your encouragement and kindness. God is that good He just amazes me everyday. God bless you and have a blessed weekend sister.


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