Confronting The Bully Vision 30.10.2023

Confronting The Bully Vision 30.10.2023

I am looking at myself standing on a dirt road looking ahead to my my left. There are are dark green trees behind me and a chain linked fence in front of them. From what I could see everything looked like it was grey.

Standing across a little way from me is a tall menacing man. He looked like a bully, someone that hurt people for money and for fun.

He came closer to me then, as I looked at him, he paused for a second and then showed his teeth and his eyebrows went down like a v shape. I didn't move. He then walked right up to my face and started to growl. It was a deep black growl. I then stared at him with absolute boldness and authority and I see my shoulders starting to rise and get larger.

I move my head a tiny bit closer, looking up to his face but without touching his, and declare one word, "RAIN!"
Suddenly, this heavy thick rain pours down, like a tropical rainstorm. It felt warm.

The mans face turns from menacing to utter fear and he looks up then wipes his eyes and begins to wail and scream. He tries to run, but the dirt road is now extremely muddy, like brown water. He falls into the mud. He then gets up and screams as he tries to run away. 

I have remained standing in the same position. I am now looking at myself from the front.

The rain stops instantly. The grey colour view has now changed to a normal one full of natural colours. 
Behind me I see a bright sun shining through some clouds. It was reflecting like gold off the muddy water puddles on the dirt road I was standing on. I could see glistening colours of the rainbow in them.

I could feel the heat of the sun light on me yet, a cool refreshing breeze through me.



  1. This is so inspiring and gives me so much hope for our future. In reading your dream, when you mention, seeing the “gold off the muddy water” and seeing the colors of the rainbow in the water puddles on the dirt road. WOW!! It brought to mind, God’s glory and presence in every situation we face…either good or bad. He is in everything! Thank you, Lord, for never leaving us or forsaking us. Thank you, my brother, for sharing your dreams and visions, it gives me something to hold and to look forward to. God bless and keep you. Linda

    1. Thank you Linda for your kindness and I'm glad the Lord has ministered to your heart. God bless you abundantly, in Jesus Name.


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