A Prophets Journey 17.08.2023

 A Prophets Journey 17.08.2023

I was walking with Steve Schultz, Mike and Ck Thompson, Manuel Johnson and Andrew Whalen. We were all at the top of a hill that in real life, I know and it has huge playing field on it (soccer, rugby and hockey pitches).

At the back of the park is a trail path that goes between the field and some tall trees. It's beautiful. Surrounding that are some amazing country homes. As we all walked through the path we were heading towards my local town.

We were excited and talked about the Lord and what He had done and what He was going to do. We were all ecstatic. Everyone was eager to listen to the other speak with anticipation.

Andrew was really laughing and smiling a lot. I knew he was filled with the Joy of the Lord. He was glowing with a golden light that was apparent on the outline of his body.

We stopped when we got into a field and sat down. We were all sat down while Manuel was telling us in great detail what he saw when he went to heaven. He was so expressive through his body language but also the sound of his voice. It was like we were all children listening to his story. We were captivated.

Ck was so funny. She had us all in stitches with jokes and some life stories about what herself and the Lord had gotten up to in the past causing the enemy some major problems as we carried on. 

Steve was listening and joining in with the joking and laughing but appeared to be documenting or recording everything down in written form. 
Some of us asked for food and water. Steve was carrying a brown leather bag. Steve would say when we asked "Let me check my book" and then he pulled out either a bottle of water or some food from his bag and give it to us.

Dream paused.

Right now as I write this I'm welling up because of the Love the Lord has for this man. 
The work and causes the ministry provides for is the very joy of the Father's heart.
I feel the food and water is a reference not just of the blessings the ministry provides for people that need help, but is the written Word Of God and the Spoken Word of God through His prophets. It feeds His children.

The Lord shows me I have written "Welling up."

Dream continues.

As we are getting closer to the town Mike calls me to him at the front of the group and says to walk with him. He was on "watch mode" and suggested about different tactics and moves to defeat any enemy that may try to steal, hurt or lead us away from our destination. 

Mike then said "I will show you how to fight" and motioned with his hand to walk in front of him. As I pass Mike he is on my right side. I notice Mike has this breast plate of armour on him. It was shinning like pure silver and had an outline of a lion on it's centre chest area. It looked to have been drawn on the armour with gold and I recognised it as a form of ranking authority.
As I walked past him it was like I walked into a lions mane. It was soft hair yet strong. It had a protective alpha male sent to it.

I'm at the front of the group and I hear all of them at the same time but they spoke in one voice saying, "You know the way! lead the way, we are with you!"
I feel undefeatable.

As I take a step forward, I then see Johnny Enlow sat at a desk holding a piece of paper reading this all happen as if he is reading it to a group of people.


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