Vision And Confirmation By The Lord Via Johnny Enlow 24.10.2023

Vision And Confirmation By The Lord Via Johnny Enlow 24.10.2023

On the 08.10.2023 as I was praying I saw a vision.

I was looking up at the top of a ceiling. It was full of thick wooden exposed beams. They were very clean and looked strong. I knew the acoustics in this building were powerful. 

I now see a line of electric power towers with a night sky backdrop.

The towers had large cables running to connect to one another moving further away from my position and view. I am on the ground looking up. 
The power cables and towers are glowing different bright, florescent lights, looking so amazing and powerful yet I knew it wasn't electricity.

I am now (24.10.2023)watching the interview with Johnny Enlow on Elijah Streams and he is talking about frequencies and the anointing, God's children being His 200,000 God towers!

Here is the link to the episode:

God is absolutely good and is always speaking to us, even though in the moment we might not understand what He is speaking to us.

We have to remember that God is always speaking to us from our future.


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