The Taste Of My Promise Word 01.10.2023

The Taste Of My Promise Word 01.10.2023

Listening to Diana and Amy interview and Amy said about the vine and the branches, us being the branches and that we need pruning.

As she said this, the Lord said to me "It will feel for some like they have been cut short in what I have promised them. This is a lie. I am removing what is useless, which will make room for what is useful to grow.
The taste of My promises is sweeter than expected. How much of a sweet harvest do you want My children? Will you trust Me? If you trust Me you will obey Me and I will rejoice with you."


  1. Yes, I completely trust you, My Lord Jesus! Thank you for your gift of Faith; I will always treasure and use it with my whole heart <3

  2. I give to you lord what is the useless in my life now Lord. As I want only your approval for what I am and what I do. In Jesus name. Amen


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