Siren Of A City Dream 04.10.2023

Siren Of A City

I am looking over and across a large city. 

There is a siren going off but the sound was different. 
It sounded like screeching. Mixtures of cries from a lot of people. A squeaky door hinge and nails on a chalk board. It was absolutely horrible.
I see the words "Chicago" and "Atlanta."

Shared this dream on John Redenbo's Dream Life Decoded YouTube channel, and got great spiritual intel.
Here's the link for it below with other awesome dreamers and decoders.


  1. Both of those cities are in areas under great deception. There are Christians in both areas. I know no one personally in the town starting with a C, but have visited there many years ago. It is a large and old city. Former-president "Obummer" had and still has tremendous influence there and in many areas in the state where C is located. The city of A is in Georgia. I still have relatives in that state and a friend who lives in A. This is also a very-very large and old city. The '20 "selection" was a complete sham. This area has tremendous crime. The earthly "powers that be" in high places of government are much like those who influence C and the state it is located within. My relatives stay far away from A. they know things are not right there. These people are crying because their "leadership" does not care. Something is brewing in both areas. Pray for the people. GOD will watch over His Children and when He does, things have to change (Habakkuk 1-4) and the result will be part of Habakkuk 1:5.

    1. Thank you so much for your insight about both locations. We do need to pray for the people in these places and for those in them to encourage them to shine their light, so others can run to He that is in them. God bless you friend.

    2. Blessings 💕🕊

  2. Above, I meant Habakkuk 1:1-4 (sorry, 😣 typo) in last line.

  3. Thank you! I appreciate the comments as well! Ash, you present a blessed, gifted, anointed broadcast!

    1. Thank you friend and God bless you.

    2. Thank you for your kindness friend and God bless you abundantly in Jesus Name.


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