Sin Bar Dream 24.10.2023

Sin Bar Dream 24.10.2023

I was in a holiday town. In it was a white building with a dark thatched roof that was a pub.

In the pub it had a square lay out design at the bar. It was a reasonable sized building. 
All the décor and furniture was old and smelt of dust and dirt. It was Victorian in style, brown and black with leather and brass everywhere. I knew this place had a reputation for being a place that had a lot of people that chose to go there yet, there was only a few people here.

I see an older man within his late 50's that was medium height, with a bald head and a long beard. He had skinny arms and legs but had a very large belly, and the dark red t shirt he was waring had what looked like cooking grease on the front where his belly had been rubbing against something. He was standing behind the bar and stood next to him stood his wife.

She had long jet black hair, had olive skin that looked like she had spent to much time on a sun bed or had a really bad fake tan. Her skin looked wrinkled and dry. She was in her early 60's yet was dressed in clothing that screamed out that she was desperate to look younger.

Running around the bar area was three children and they were absolutely out of control and had no discipline or respect for anyone around them. There was two boys and one girl. One of the boys looked aged 8-9 and the other around 12-13. Both had really dark, short unkept hair and pale skin. They looked malnourished. The girl looked to be 5-7 in age, again, pale skin, long jet black hair and looked out of control yet wanted to be in absolute control. All were running around causing a lot of noise and damage.

There was another man there that I know in real life, but he was a little younger, in his early 30's. He was stood behind the bar. I had a sense he didn't want to be there but felt he had to "go back" in life and "be punished." I knew he felt like he deserved to be here because of the past mistakes he had made in his life.
I really start to feel sorry for him as I knew he deserved so much better in life and shouldn't hold onto the punishment of past mistakes. 

He looked absolutely miserable yet he was working hard, serving the people that were there, apologising while trying to politely ask the crazy children to calm down and be careful not to run into the customers. The children completely ignore him.
The customers would just stand or sit, looking lifeless. They looked like breathing statues.

The husband and wife were stood at the opposite end of the bar talking about themselves to one another then, they would argue and fight amongst themselves.

I knew I didn't want to stay here any longer but I didn't want to leave my friend here so I walk to the bar and said to him " Mate, what are you doing here? You can do so much better. Let's get out of here, you don't need to stay." I then put my hand on the cold, wet bar. He doesn't pay any attention as he is busy. 
I hit the bar and brown, sticky, dirty water splashes up off it. I shout his name to get his attention. He looks up at me with a weak expression on his face and says" Would you like to polish some brass? You can work here too."
He sounded soulless.

The children's laughter turns into deafening, dark screams. I am now closing my eyes and putting my hands over my ears.


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