Evil Plot In London Dream 19.09.2023

Evil Plot In London Dream 19.09.2023

I was in a tall skyscraper building. It appeared to be London.

I was sat in a restaurant near the top floor. There are men in suits, shirts and ties sat everywhere around me that are talking to each other. Modern style décor and furniture is in this place. It looks expensive.

My focus turns to two men that are sat in front of me slightly to my right in two leather dark chairs with a glass coffee table in between them. One is facing me while the other I can only see his left hand on the arm of his chair with the back rest of the seat facing me. They both are oblivious to me watching them.
Above them is a small TV that is playing but there is no sound coming from it.

I then look out the glass windows. They are grand in scale.
The weather outside is bright with layers of thin cloud.
As I'm looking outside I see another skyscraper. It was the shard building.

Suddenly, a massive explosion takes place that seems to come from behind that building. I see the impact ring, it was huge. The life it took and damage it caused was devastating.
I then see two more explosions take place though they were not as large as the first.
One was near a docking yard area. A futuristic cruise looking boat was fleeing in the water seconds before the explosion.

As I'm looking out I see and hear people screaming, glass shattering, police and emergency services arriving, men laughing and drinking glasses being toasted.

I turn and look at the men in the restaurant and they have no care for what is going on outside. The TV can now be heard. A female reporter with black long hair and dressed in a blue suit says " we are under attack. Get out of the city and remain in your homes."

I then notice that all though the other windows and buildings outside are smashed and destroyed this one remained untouched.
I wanted to say to everyone in the restaurant we needed to help the people outside but knew if I did, I would not come out of there alive.

Added vision

After writing this dream I see a vision of a large coffin with the union jack laid across it but the flag is distinctively darker then the real flag. The blue on it appears to be nearly black.


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