Empty Chairs Vision 07.08.2023

Empty Chairs Vision 07.08.2023

I was walking to work while listening to Julie Green and I had a vision.

I was sat at a table in a modern meeting (office) room that was surrounded by glass that people could look in and out of. I got a sense of the layout or style was like a big corporation like Google or a stock exchange company.

I was sat on one end of the table, it was made of glass. There was five chairs in front of me. Two to my left, two to my right and one on the opposite end of the table. The chairs were empty.

To my right was a large whiteboard that had nothing on it.

I perceived a person standing behind me on my right. I didn't see them but knew it was a Male and was in the age range if 60-75.

This person was incredibly financially wealthy and wasn't good. This person was giving a challenge or opportunity to these empty seats to go and find or make 14 million dollars. 

It was said in a boastful, spiteful and arrogant way. This amount of money was absolutely nothing to this person. It was like the amount was the equivalent of a penny to them.

They were doing this in spite, to hurt someone, a group of people or something.

After this vision as I carried on walking I saw an image of an arm flinging money with no care or respect for it. 


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