An Avalanche Coming Dream 24.09.2023

An Avalanche Coming Dream 24.09.2023

I am in what seems to be a modern high rise block of apartments on top of a mountain. It wasn't the highest mountain but was high up.

People were walking around the foyer, coming and going. It looked normal. I hear the staff at the desk announce that there was a flood coming and we needed to be prepared. Panic seems to set in with a lot of people yet I am not in any fear.

Everyone is looking down the mountain waiting for the water to come up. They are looking out the windows to my right. I look up to the ceiling windows on my left and see all the high mountains. I then see all the snow that was on top of them come like a massive rolling wave towards us. 

I shout to my mother who is now in the foyer to go and run to the restaurant area that was just above the underground car parking area. I knew it was positioned on a slant, so the snow would pass over and fall off the building and flow below. I knew people would be safe there. 

I saw people go and follow my mother. They held each others hands as they went there.
The other people were running frantically, screaming and pushing each other.

I am now stood in the restaurant area and see the snow coming down on us. The magnitude of the power shook me internally. I shout out "PRAY!"

The snow hits us yet, it was nothing like it looked coming towards us. There was no damage where we were.
It sounded like a stream of running water over us. 

I hear my mother say " Look down there Ash!"
As I look at her, she was pointing to the car park entrance below us slowly rising up with this aqua blue coloured water. It looked like a gigantic slush puppy yet it was very clear.

The people around me didn't sound or look in fear. They were in amazement at the way the water looked. I can't hear any shouting or screaming coming from above us anymore.
The water stops rising. 

The staff make an announcement on a speaker. "We are safe. We are waiting for help."

I then see a man in a grey business suit riding a bicycle coming fast passed my left side and go through the people that were with me heading towards the car park area where the water was. He looked angry, like he was being held up and was annoyed. 
The people shouted at him " What are you doing? Don't do that!"
He carried on past us all and went straight into the water and after 2 or 3 peddles, just stopped and floated up off the bike and froze.

The people started to cry for him. I tell them not to as he choose not to listen. 

The people in the rest of the building are impatient and are complaining to the staff.
The people with me are in no rush and are so thankful for being okay.

I knew we would be rescued.

Confirmation Of Dream

After writing the dream I open the bible I start to read Acts. Chapter 1:04 says about the apostles being commanded by Jesus to assemble and wait in Jerusalem.
Holy Spirit reminded me of the dream. We had to stay where we were and wait to be rescued in the dream. We needed to be patient. The disciples waited in obedience and the Holy Spirit came.


  1. Dear Ash,
    I just finished watching this on Diana’s Watchman’s Journal ( You Tube ) but I wanted to come over here to Say Thank You Brother for these Shares, as I was listening - almost towards the end, as I was dwelling on Thankfulness of you speaking into our lives, I heard the Lord say He Gave you to us, because We Needed you ❤️‍🔥! It was a Beautiful Sentiment ! Thank you Ash for Spending Time with the Lord in Obedience and Intercession on our behalf, it is a Priceless Gift. 💟

    1. My friend, if I told you the Lord used you to minister to me this moment, in His perfect timing it would be a true understatement.
      All I can say is the Lord has literally used someone I have never met just an hour ago to speak to me regarding what I'm doing and now you, another person I do not know has done the same.

      I want you to know you have blessed me as much as I was just blessed. God just used you friend. I thank you for hearing and being obedient. I truly bless you in the Name of Jesus.


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