Action Truck Dream 02.08.2023

Action Truck Dream 02.08.2023

I am standing in a gas station and received a call from a friend (I do know him).

He tells me he has his crop already harvested and it is in this big cargo truck and he would appreciate it if i helped him take it to where it need to go. I said yes.

As I'm talking on the phone I notice these menacing teens watching me, eve's dropping and then planning to take the harvest that was in the truck.

Side note: I have seen these menacing teens before in another dream I have had that was sent to me via demonic influence.

I even recall saying in the dream "I've seen you lot before."

I get to where my friend is with his truck and I told him about the menacing teens and what they were doing.

He said that he knew them and had no doubt they would come fully armed and ready to steal the truck and if so kill us for it.

I then could see in my mind these teens going into a warehouse and picking different guns to use against us. They were laughing like crazed hyenas.

My friend and I secure the truck the best we can and head off.

He drives and I keep look out, watching the roads and mirrors.

The road we are travelling on is like a highway and we drive past a joining road that was elevated. The teens can then be seen coming down that joining road onto our road and speeding up to us.

They were driving beat up looking cars and riding dirty motocross looking motorcycles.

I said to my friend they were here. There was no panic or fear.

There was a latch above me in the cab of the truck and I open it. I said to my friend "time to deal with these scum." I climb up onto the top of the truck then onto the trailer as my friend continues to drive.

I notice as I do this the teens are having a "double take" so to speak. They didn't expect anyone to be doing what I was doing and were looking out of their windows saying "this guy is crazy! Look at him." 

They laughed but you could tell they were not as bold as they were at the start. They carried on driving by our sides and at the rear.

I look down at my hands and see a shotgun looking type of weapon but I knew it was a lot more powerful then that.

I was ready and confident to use it. I cocked the pump back. 

I then shouted at the teens boldly "who wants it first!?!" The teens did not engage.

The teens faces change to one of concern and being unsure and started to drop their speed and back off in their vehicles.

They had gone.

I could hear my friend shouting "where are they going? Are they gone?"

I got in the cab and told him what had happened.  We both kept praising God "Thank God! Thank You Lord!"

What threw me was I knew my friend was very reserved when it came to him sharing or expressing his faith. Still, was a wonderful surprise.

We get to where we need to go and unlock the harvest. So many different people come and helped unload the truck and all received a portion of the harvest themselves.


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