The Food Lines Dream 13.08.2023

The Food Lines Dream 13.08.2023

I am going to my local shop to get some food. It is a large chain company but in small store.

There was a lot of people going there and queued in lines. They were either buying food or being given food but it wasn't good food. The people are having to go and use a self scanning check out that had a camera on it. No cash was allowed to be used.

The lines as I left were huge as I didn't want to be there. There was others walking away, not a lot but some.

The people in the lines looked malnourished, sick, depressed, angry, fearful, whitewashed almost. It feels dark and hopeless.

I carry on walking towards a road next to a local hotel. On the opposite side of the road there are a few men with foreign accents standing behind some white tables, like stools. These men had long curly hair and were wearing white t shirts. They appeared to me to be Israeli and were Godly alpha males with a loving heart. They were strong.

They are handing out freshly cooked food. There is a presence about them of love, peace but boldness and authority. It all came from a place of love within them. They wanted to feed, talk to, get to know and laugh with the people.

I'm not engaging with them but just observing.

People from all age ranges and different backgrounds are arriving and being fed and are fellowshipping with each other as well as with these men.

On the other side of the road all these marquee tents are popping up and they appear to be copying what these men were doing. All these stools had clothes, toys, books, medicine and supplies and fresh food and water. This was like a market but there was no money involved. It was freely given.

Huge cooking pots on these tables that warmed up these cinnamon cider glasses that were given to people to warm them up. The smell was strong and sweet. I could see and feel the steam coming out of the taps when they poured the drink into glasses.

There was a hustle and bustle. There was life. 

The hotel was housing the immigrants but I don't recall seeing one of them amongst us. It dawned on me that everyone here was local and had always been here.

The local people were being looked after.


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