Runners With Cameras Vision 11.08.2023

Runners With Cameras Vision 11.08.2023 

Trying to sleep and saw a moving image like a camera was attached to a poll behind someone's back. They were wearing motorcycle helmets (black) and also wearing puffer jackets (one blue another orange). 

They were running down escalator steps or stairs that appeared to be at or in a tube station or train station like London or new York. They were barging and pushing people out the way while running. They scared and hurt the public.

Feels like a warning.


  1. Coming off the back of the interview on Elijah Streams on the 24th of October 2023, with sister Yvon Attia sharing what the Lord showed her, this is confirmation of the attack planned. Planned being the key word here.

    Spiritual insight and what to pray into.

    I feel the number one goal is to cause fear. That supersedes the chaos and attacks they have planned. The cameras behind them really stand out as the symbolism of that.
    Also the helmets being black speak to me about how the true identity will try to be hidden, though I have a feeling a proxy group will claim responsibility but are only following orders.
    The puffer jackets could be a representation of the season or time frame.
    The colours again, orange (fall) and blue (winter).

    Remember, you can send your warring angels to deal with this plan in the spirit, so it gets dealt with in the natural.

    I encourage you all to do so.

    God bless you all in Jesus Mighty Name.


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