I See Life Being Lived Dream 11.09.2023

I See Life Being Lived 11.09.2023

I saw many men and woman in different areas of life that were children of God. 

Some tended sports fields as ground keepers. Some in supermarkets others drove buses. I saw men in halls teaching children how to play, men opening doors for people, nurses caring for injured and elderly people. 

I saw men, woman and children walking in parks, different families coming together going on these walks and playing in parks on roundabouts, swinging on swings and going up and down slides.  

I saw thousands of people gathered around bandstands jumping up and down listening to men and woman play and sing with different songs and sounds with instruments. 

I saw a farmer help a sheep give birth to a lamb. I saw teachers in classrooms with little children putting paint on their hands and then putting it on paper while laughing and chasing each other with the paint on their hands. So many different colours. I saw a man playing football with his son in their back garden. They had a crowd of supporters in trees watching and cheering them on. It was the different birds chanting and singing different fun songs of love and support.

I saw a little girl with a backpack that looked full of so many different pens, pencils, crayons, paints and brushes. Stickers and glitter made of the dust of love. She was with her mum in their castle creating all these worlds and events.

I see a teenage boy sing a love psalm and give it wrapped in a gift in his heart to a teenage girl as she looked deeply, almost dancing with his eyes in her love for him.

I saw a mum and dad sat at a dinner table with their children holding hands and praying together then eating and having so much joy with one another. I see an elderly couple dancing so passionately in a ball room with other couples. Wisdom and love was the music they danced to.

I see an outside jacuzzi hot tub and Julie Green in it relaxing. She was dunking her head under the water then raising it up. Steam was coming off of her head and face. The smile on her face was one of pure peace and joy. 


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