He Is Everywhere Dream 06.08.2023

He Is Everywhere 06.08.2023

There was something going on in America. A movement, a reaction. It was massive, huge. It was positive, Truth, Way, Life.

Everybody honed in after some period of mourning and realisation of truth, some uncomfortableness and pure and utter brokenness. Foundations were shaken, peoples core, their very being had changed from the inside out.

I remember seeing Jesus but not with my eyes but heart, and I saw all these people seeing Him as well in the same way. I remember seeing a heart. It was beating and pumping the Blood of Jesus. Then I saw Jesus appear in the crowds of people.

He was everywhere. On the TV, internet, newspapers, phones magazines events, podcasts and movies, mountains, fields, the oceans and the sky. The people couldn't get enough of Him and He couldn't get enough of them.

As this is taking place I see De Santis and other liars, evil people but they were deemed "low ranked" in the enemies camp and something was happening to them. They were being punished but this punishment seemed to be coming through the people. There was no violence but there was a righteous anger from the public and they were in utter disgust.

I then see an apple on this tree. Its a large apple and is ripe and red but there is nothing in it. The core was missing, it was just air.

These people were still trying to sell the people that this apple was good, it was tasty and if they just ate it or took it, put it in their pockets everything would be okay. Things would go back to the way they were. Life would go back to "normal". 

It was a false promise. People had had enough and could see through it. They were not buying it.

There was some sort of calling for local sheriffs or local law enforcement. It was organised and professional. There was a press release that seemed to be from the people and the law enforcement arrested these lower ranked liars and thieves. 

They put them in police cars, van's and trucks. This was being broadcasted by a camera crew. Some were making a fuss, struggling while being handcuffed and shouting "why are you arresting me, I'm innocent, I'm respected."

Others didn't say anything at all and just looked at the ground. They were all taken away.


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