A Vision From The Lord To A Sister In Praying Medic's Telegram Channel 13.08.2023

A Vision From The Lord To A Sister In Praying Medic's Telegram Channel 13.08.2023

Last night before I went to bed I was clearing my telegram chats and praying medic just posted as I went into his channel. It was an encouraging message for those with and wanting words from the Lord.

I went into the comments section, there was around 4 comments. As I was reading I saw one from a lady called Dana. The comments filled up and I lost her comment. The Lord told me to go back up then I asked Him what He wanted to show her or tell her.

This is her post:

"Our son is getting married in 5 weeks and we're in a terrible financial situation...I'm praying and trusting and believing...but if someone has a word from my Heavenly Father, it would be a blessing."

The Father shows me a vision and tells me to share with her:

"Dana the Lord showed me an image of you with your back facing me. You were standing on a raised wooden decking or balcony looking outward. There was some green tree branches and leaves overhanging from the top.

I don't know if this makes sense to you but the Lord says you're looking outward for something and He wants you to look inward to Him. I feel a presence of Love and peace. A smile. And while you stand He holds.

God bless you Dana. You have a time of joy and blessing to prepare for and partake in. Hallelujah!"

I went to sleep and then after recording my dreams I looked on telegram and saw this response from Dana:

"This almost leaves me speechless. I just came in to check my phone, after standing out on my wooden deck, looking out over the canyon...

wow. Thank you so very much for this!

I receive it and it makes SO much sense. I speak a blessing over you and your family!!

Over every relationship you have and even over those that have been severed for whatever reason. I speak blessings over your health, that you would be strong in the Lord, and that everything you put your hands to, would prosper and grow. I give thanks and praise to our heavenly Father for what He is about to pour out over you and your family! He sees your faithfulness and He is going to bless you exceedingly and abundantly more than you could ask or imagine." 

I receive it in Jesus Name. Hallelujah!


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