A Trip To London 13.08.2023

A Trip To London 13.08.2023

I was in London. 

I was at a protest. There wasn't many people there protesting but they had boards and signs up. We were in a place that was a square. Something bad had happened. There was a terrorist attack or a mass murder that had taken place.

The sign posts were in remembrance of the fallen people which were 16 girls.

I knew it was a shameful crime that could of been prevented. The MET police were there for security but they truly didn't care. They were there to show face and portray a false image but there was no duty of care for the people or these victims. They were incompetent, in fear and weak. Cowards.

I then go into a hotel that wasn't the best hotel to stay in. As I walked through the hallway I noticed each room had no doors on the front of them and as I would walk past you could see everyone and what they were doing and hear what they were saying. It was like I was walking through each room. In the dream I knew this was so odd.

As I carried on walking there was two woman in a room that were naked. I felt uncomfortable walking past them. As I do they say something to me and I stop. I knew if I looked at them there was going to be trouble but my natural instinct was to look at someone when they speak to me so it was a natural reaction.

I said "sorry what? I didn't hear what you said." As I said this I realised the mistake I had made and these woman started flooding me with acquisitions and sick name calling. I was angry and disappointed with myself because I had given them the opportunity to do this. 

I carry on walking and they follow me, continuing to shout and as they do they gain attention from a couple. They appear to be very "woke". They appeared to be very good at virtue signalling and had to jump on board the band wagon. They had no understanding of what happened but had to be involved. They wanted to make sure people saw that they were involved.

They join the que behind me.

I then walk past another room and there is a group of these guys, around five of them. They are the real guys that the previous groups of people are accusing me of being. 

They were perverted, abusive, had no regard for human life, in particular woman as they were just a thing to enjoy, use then throw away. There was a ancient roman feel about them. They were convinced they were higher than the other people. The people either served them and were useful to them, or they would just brake someone and end their life without a second thought.

They were saying "where is this guy? we will sort him out!"

The other groups of people go to them and say their lies about me. They were clearly the abusers of these people yet, these people went to them for protection.

I get to my room and there is a door on it so I close it.

Within the room I turn around and there was someone sat in the kitchen that was in my life and that person started to bring up all the bad things and mistakes I had made in my life. They tried putting all the responsibility on me and threatened to open the hotel room door to let all the other people inside.

At first I try to change their mind and ask them to be reasonable, but as I saw the intent to hurt me in the person's eyes I had this unrelenting boldness and complete disregard of fear and said to them " go ahead, open the door. Go ahead open it!" I also said "I'm sorry for what I did or may have done to you but I don't carry that anymore and have been forgiven. If you open that door what ever happens to me is on you." They open the door and leave. 

The men come in first and I tell them to back off and shut up. I said they were the liars and deceivers. They were the slave drivers and ones responsible for treating people so they lived like the other two groups of people. I don't know what happens to them but they suddenly are not there anymore.

The two naked women come in next, and one of them pokes me in my chest. I said "get your filthy hands off me, there is no way I would ever think of touching you let alone do what you accuse me of." I even tell them about the men and how they were the slave drivers and looked upon them the way they accused me of looking at them. They are no longer there.

Then the couple walk in and before they could say anything, again, I said "shut your mouths. You are brainwash and so desperate for attention you don't care how you get it. You are the saddest and most pathetic beings I had ever seen."

They said " we are going to call the police." I respond " There is no such thing as the police, not in your world or for your cause, shut your mouths." They are then gone.

I am now on a train sat on a chair travelling out of London. I felt this freedom. I had a smile on my face, looking out the window (I was sat on the left side of the carriage).

Where I was leaving was major dark storm clouds but as I continued out of there, the clouds in the sky got lighter and lighter.


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