A Great Shaking Dream 24.06.2023

A Great Shaking Dream 24.06.2023

I was at a house that looked similar to where I grew up. It was a beautiful blue sky day.

There was a very large group of people there. A lot of faith filled believers.

During the day there was Chris, Amanda Grace's husband with other people I didn't recognise but was aware that they too, were faith filled. 

Something happened with the LORD and I ended up giving Chris a loving hug and wept profusely, not just from my eyes but from my heart. I felt it. The love from this man, wow! The LORD spoke through me in tongues as I embraced him and we both wept in the Father's love.

The scene then switches. It's now night time.

The house is packed, kids, teens, young adults, parents and old people are all in the house, playing and fellowshipping together.

I decide to go outside on the front porch and I turn to look back inside to the house. As I do I can see and hear the children running and holding on the walls, furniture, anything they could grab hold of to desperately stabilize themselves while shouting, then they began to scream.

I hear the adults shouting at the children then they too start to scream.

I have a thought in my mind of "what the heck are they doing?"

As I go back towards going into the house the lights start to flicker and flash. All of a sudden I feel this massive shaking coming from the earth. I hold onto the house then realize it would be safer to stand in the open street where no structure could fall on me.

As I hear the people screaming inside the house I'm shouting "get out of the house and come here!"

Flashes of light hit the dark sky in short bursts then I hear the rumbling. It was incredibly loud as the shaking intensified immensely.

There was an alarm, like an air raid alarm sounding faintly but it was barely heard due to the noise of the shaking and I had a feeling of knowing that it was already to late for it.


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