1 Dream Followed By 2 Visions 14.08.2023

1 Dream Followed By 2 Visions 14.08.2023 

I wake up from a dream before heading to work.

The Lord showed me a grey, human skull facing me then a backdrop that looked like some scene from an old western movie. The word "Arizona" then appeared. Felt something to do with government.

Praying Medic then responds to my dream with a pondering emoji lol! Other brothers and sister start to add things and one suggests I pray for Arizona.

As I do the Lord showed me two visions.

First vision

The first was me in the air but not to high up. I was looking at a brand new tar mac road with no vehicles on it. The separate markings pristine. I was looking from right to left.

Behind the road was these brand new telephone poles made of massive, thick wood. The cables were brand new and connected to the transmitters on the poles next in line. This went on for miles.

Second vision

I was standing on a slope that looked down towards an "S" shaped river bank.

I was standing on what I knew was wheat but it wasn't tall and had no head on it. If I didn't know it was wheat, I could of mistaken it for dry grass.

The water is flowing through the river and the sun is shining of it. On the other side of the river bank is dry soil.


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